A mid-term evaluation was carried out within the Keda LEADER project to evaluate the work of Keda LAG and the LEADER processes. The evaluation was carried out by the Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG).

The evaluation focused on the following topics:

  1. Bottom-up approach
  2. Area-based approach
  3. Local partnership
  4. Multi-sectoral integration
  5. Networking
  6. Innovation

    Mid-Term Evaluation of the Keda Local Action Group (LAG) and LEADER process in Keda Municipality, Adjara AR
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The Guidebook was developed under the EU ENPARD supported project “Keda Leader”.


The European Union provides support to rural development and agriculture in Georgia through ENPARD, the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development. More information about ENPARD can be viewed at
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