Viticulture in the village of Ortsva

Strategic direction: Agriculture

Keda is home to unique varieties of grapes ideal for wine-making. Grape growing and wine making has been a popular pursuit for many generations. Sulkhan Abuladze’s family has been working in the field of viticulture for many years and has an already successful Chkhaveri vineyard.

The project includes planting 625 vines for a commercial vineyards on 5000 sq.m. land. The project will replace the corn crop with a vineyard, equip the plot with necessary tools, and install a protective fence and irrigation system.

A demonstration plot will also be set up as part of the project.

The family has many years of experience in viticulture and has an already successful Chkhaveri vineyard.

The project will employ an additional 3 people

Overall project budget: 18,500 GEL
European Union funding: 14,800 GEL
Co-funding: 3700 GEL

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